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Hardcover, 352pp. ISBN: 0060391847 Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers, Incorporated Pub. Date: April 1996 |
Healthy Living members. - Allanae says of this book: Excellent book with tons of info through a survivors memories. Very powerful forward written by former Los Angeles district attorney, Christopher Darden. (prosecutor in the OJ Simpson case). A. Orcas comment: Some mixed reviews on this one. Because of the differing points of view, Ive used more space than usual for reviews on this title. | |
From the Publisher: WARNING!!!! Contact with the divorce court system may be extremely dangerous. You may lose your children, your home, your life savings and your health. Before you enter a divorce lawyer's office or courtroom, read this book to protect yourself and your children. "Provides a vital road map through the treacherous landscape of divorce." --Christopher Darden. A full-fledged assault against women and children is under way in divorce courts across the country. Women are losing their economic security, their homes, their child support and even their children because of corrupt divorce proceedings. In Divorced from Justice, Karen Winner explodes the myth that divorce laws were created to protect women and children financially and reveals how all women -- from poor and working-class women to professional women of affluent means -- are all too often at the mercy of divorce lawyers who deal in dirty tricks and judges who flagrantly violate the laws they are supposed to uphold. Female clients are often financially defrauded by their own attorneys, who put profit before all other considerations. Winner describes the dirty secrets of divorce lawyers who pad fees, double-bill, refuse to show clients itemized bills and hold clients' files hostage if they can't pay. And many of these practices are legal. Abraham Lincoln wrote, "Some things that are right legally are not right morally." Sadly, ethics are not a concern in the divorce industry, as women are losing their homes, life savings and, most distressing, their children. Contrary to public belief, 70 percent of all litigated custody trials rule in favor of the father. Winner skillfully renders the culture of the courtroom, where biased and uninformed judges play God and make arbitrary custody decisions that are harmful to the mother and child. Every woman who goes through a painful, financially draining divorce thinks her experience is isolated. In Divorced from Justice, Karen Winner says to women everywhere: You are not alone. This book should be required reading for all women -- a lesson taught by women who have been hurt by the ugly war tactics of divorce courts and have become fighters to survive a system that is alarmingly cruel and broken. Divorced from Justice dismantles the divorce-court system brick by brick and overwhelmingly proves the painful truth of the maxim: Justice is for sale. Winner demonstrates how divorce is big business and generates several billion dollars a year. An investigative reporter and former policy analyst, Winner exposes the corruption at the heart of the American legal system and demonstrates exactly why divorcing women -- more than half a million in the U.S. per year -- face terrible economic hardship after being processed through the legal system. This landmark expos,, based on years of painstaking research and documented with compelling, real-life stories, paints a vivid picture of a divorce industry fueled by greed, favoritism and self-interest, and a judicial system that claims to value the sanctity of family yet allows unethical judges and attorneys to exploit and manipulate the laws for their own benefit. |
Other Reviews The Nation: {Both this book and Still Unequal by L. Dusky}, meticulously argued, are filled with horror stories of ordinary women who got screwed by the legal system. Winner goes too far when she says that mothers nearly always deserve custody because they have a stronger bond with their children than fathers do. But her point about the double standard in custody cases remains valid: Mothers who work outside the home are frowned upon by judges, who generally award custody to their husbands--who work outside the home. When Winner worked for the Department of Consumer Affairs, she wrote a report cataloguing many of the deceptions related here. She also suggested policy reforms adopted in 1993 by New York's Chief Judge, Judith Kaye. . . . These reforms are an important step, as is the concrete advice Winner offers to divorcing women. Library Journal: Women in divorce cases experience abuse, not justice, from the judicial establishment, states Winner, journalist and former investigator for the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs. She guides readers through the inner dynamics of divorce court proceedings and uncovers the too-common scene of unethical lawyers using the fee-for-profit system for self-enrichment and insensitive judges misapplying community property, equitable distribution, and no-fault divorce laws. Wives fare worse than husbands because they lack adequate financial resources for competent legal defense; face gender discrimination from the mainly male legal profession; and, after the divorce, descend in economic status, if not into poverty. Winner provides examples of wives who fought for their rights and won, and she advocates citizen activism and government intervention to discipline the legal profession and insure justice. This readable and timely book is recommended for public libraries. Charles L. Lumpkins, Bloomsburg Univ. Lib., Pa. Publisher's Weekly: In 1992, Winner, a consultant on women's rights in the courts, wrote the report "Women in Divorce" for New York City's Department of Consumer Affairs, and this study is an elaboration of that account. The gist of it is that when a divorce is not amicable, the woman is usually treated unfairly by the courts. Ironically, some of the legislation passed since 1970 to aid women in divorce cases, such as equitable distribution, community property and mediation laws, has had the opposite effect, because it allows lawyers to rack up hours chasing down assets. Winner considers lawyers a major factor in the many injustices divorcing women suffer, largely because many lawyers, in her view, are interested not in fairness but money. Winner offers several valuable solutions "to shift the balance from a lawyer-centered system to a consumer-driven system." This book will be important reading for women contemplating divorce. From Kirkus: Divorced From Justice or Divorced From Reality? |