are some other sites I inhabit. Some are just for fun, some are more serious.
Try the ones that look promising to you!
Again, let me know if you
want me to add any! (AnneLB@tripod.net)
Updated: 9/20/98 |
Healthy Living
A. Orca's sister site! For anyone interested in a moving towards a healthy
lifestyle. This link takes you to the full web site where you'll find articles,
recipes, and links. You will find a link to the Healthy Living message board on the
Talk page.
For anyone interested in, or working on, quitting smoking.
This was a tremendous support for me when I quit in December 1997.
Bill & Lisa's family homepage. Many ex-smokers, but Lisa
has a lot of family oriented information and a good bit of just fun!
Pic calls this "Eclectic
Enrichment" and the name fits. This discussion
forum hasn't been particularly active yet, but it has a fine array of topics.
The Mad
A personal web site with an interesting mix of information on the
outdoors, construction, and computers.
Free greeting cards, World Wildlife Fund
Another greeting card site, featuring animated bears
If "Callahan's Place" rings a bell, go! If not, well, you might enjoy it anyway.
Mary's Place
If you like Callahan's Saloon, you should like this place, too. I
can't vouch for it yet, because it seems to be under construction. (1 August 1998)