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Updated 9/20/98

Nutrition and Fitness Links

The links are in no particular order; most looked promising to me, but make up your own mind!

Let me know (email to AnneLB@tripod.net)
if you have any to add to the list!


Healthy Living   ***NEW 8/28/98***  A. Orca's sister site! 
For anyone interested in a moving towards a healthy lifestyle.  This link takes you to the full web site where you'll find articles, recipes, and links.  The Healthy Living message board is really active and provides good support.

American Dietetic Association Site (ADA).  ***NEW 9/7/98***
Website maintained by the national organization for dieticians.  There is a wealth of information on nutrition and health, both in general and focused on groups such as children, athletes, women.  Sample their articles at  Wisdom of the Pod.

Sponsored by a pharmaceutical company, but the site is not an extended ad for the company's weight loss medication. Does include a good bit of information on nutrition, exercise, and obesity. Includes an "Ask the Nutrition Expert" page and an "Ask the Exercise Physiologist" page.

A variety of information; common sense approach to dieting, lots of goodies.

From Prevention Magazine.

Online magazine.

Online magazine, mostly on food, but also fitness in general.

Another online magazine. Includes some neat calculators.

The Fitness Partner Connection; lots of information on exercise and nutrition.

Fitness Link  All the news that's fit. Includes "mind/body" issues as well as nutrition and (shudder) exercise.

TOPS Club (Take off pounds sensibly); support group plus info.

Gail's Diet Page. Another "amateur" page with information, email links, and web links. Great place to see how others are dealing with weight.

Another "amateur" site with loads of information and links. This site also includes a chat room and a number of message boards.

The Magic of Believing; email lists; insights; special email list for people who need to drop 100 or more pounds.

Diet Talk. Message boards and chat room. Some sales pitches.

Richard Simmons isn't everyone's cup of tea, but you might want to check out his web site.